Marketing HIIT Programme for Small Businesses

Ever wondered what it would be like to have more impact in the market? For it to be easier to compete against powerful competitors? To build a brand that means something, that drives customers to your door? To know how to present your products and services in a relevant and valuable way? If you have and want to take your marketing up a notch, it could be that a Marketing Bootcamp will help you unlock a better way to go to market.
So what is a Marketing Bootcamp and what can it do for your small business? For fitness fiends out there, it is a bit like embracing a programme of getting fit personally. You can do it yourself or engage a specialist - a personal trainer whose knowledge and secrets of success will be shared with you to improve your marketing and reach your goals quickly.
Initially the trainer (or expert marketer) works with you to draw out your marketing fitness baseline and goals, then designs a tailored programme to build your fitness level over a short period of time. The end-result – at the end of the bootcamp you have new marketing knowledge and a leaner, fitter marketing programme that you control, delivering the outcomes you could only dream of before entering bootcamp.
We find the fitness bootcamp analogy really helps small business owners understand how to reach more of their potential in their market, with practical advice and methods to apply. They may not have the deep pockets and resources of bigger brands. They may not have a marketing team or limited marketing expertise in-house. But they have some great products, energy and ambition to drive their business forward.
If this sounds familiar, you may be interested in a bootcamp purposely designed for the smaller company, who needs an expert, some frameworks and the right methods to follow that will improve your results. Quickly. Cost-effectively.
To give you a flavour of how we take our clients through our Marketing Bootcamp at Moveo Associates, we break the work into three practical phases of high interval training HIIT exercises that we work through together. Giving you the knowledge, expertise and the tools to make the splash you deserve:
Phase I – Discovery and Diagnosis – Establishing Your Fitness Baseline
We match you with an expert marketer (your personal trainer for business!) and find out more about what you do, what is special about your product and identify your commercial opportunities that you want to grasp. We get under the skin of your customers by talking with them – and find out independently from them what is working and where any vulnerabilities or gaps might lie. We understand your business goals – do you need to build more value in your company for example, to raise next round capital funding? Or do you need to a stronger pipeline of prospect customers or drive more demand for your products? Or have you an existing marketing programme that needs a fresh injection of ideas to get buyers flocking to you? Once we understand your fitness level, we are ready to move to phase II and building upon your fitness baseline.
Phase II – Strategy and Plan – Getting Fitter and Leaner
We work with you to translate our discovery and diagnosis work into a fresh marketing programme tailored to you and the needs of your market. We make firm recommendations on what to do to improve the focus and efficiency of your marketing activity. For example guiding you to the right social media channels your buyers use or recommending a series of channels that will build your brand reputation step by step.
We make sure any strategy is practical and easy to implement by first identifying then equipping you with the frameworks, systems and processes that connect you with your customers and showcase what you do for them that they cannot get from someone else.
We are always realistic about the financial and physical resources you have available. We hold your hand through every step – writing the plan, agreeing the resources, setting the budget and highlighting the best routes to market, cutting those that do not work for you, introducing new routes that will serve you better. By the end of this phase, you will have a bespoke marketing plan you love and you will be crystal clear on the activities that work really well. Now we move on the last and most important phase of bootcamp - phase III . Equipping you with the right tools to market your business professionally and effectively for now and years to come. You can implement your plan in-house or opt for Moveo Associates to do it for you. The choice is yours.
Phase III – Execution – The Maintenance Plan
So we have deeper customer and markets insights and understanding and have designed your marketing plan to reflect your business goals and the needs of your customers. Now it's time to agree with you the actuals tools, templates and systems you need for all your marketing communications. These are the tools that make it really easy for you to ensure all marketing is professional, on brand and flows through all the relevant channels agreed earlier in phase II. An example might be a branded social media post template or a product leaflet one to help you build a suite or connected solutions that build credibility. We also like to design for you a simple marketing results dashboard, to help you monitor progress and understand how your marketing activity is performing. This is the best and easiest way to judge how well you are improving your return on investment in marketing.
Just like any health bootcamp, ours is designed to be fast-paced, intensive, results-oriented and fun. And just like our bodies, Moveo Associates has proven that its system can make a material difference to a company’s marketing results in as little as eight weeks.
The secret to securing great results and maintaining a healthy and effective marketing level of fitness lies in your commitment to the programme and the depth of understanding we create together. The final word on this particular point goes to influential management consultant Peter Druckner:
“The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product and services fits him and sells itself.”
Peter Druckner
To find out how we can work together and transform your company’s performance, contact Terri Lucas for an initial conversation. What have you got to lose?